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Home / Events / 7@11: Comedy & Life After Sue Ingleton and Dave O’Neil

7@11: Comedy & Life After Sue Ingleton and Dave O’Neil

Castlemaine Festival

Event Date: 19 March 2017
Author / Presenters: Dave'O Neil and Sue Ingleton

This conversation between comedic champions Sue Ingleton and Dave O’Neil explores the complexities of writing and performing works of humour. Sue and Dave discuss the myriad of other things comedians do to make a living, and to fulfil themselves creatively and emotionally. They share some of their own experiences and discuss the challenges of sustaining a career as a comedian in an ever-evolving industry.
Dave O’Neil is a high-profile comedian, actor, bass guitarist, writer, radio personality and would-be politician. Castlemaine local Sue Ingleton has long been a trail-blazer in Australian comedy, theatre, film and television.

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