First Chapters at Brunswick Bound with Matt Davies, MIchael Earp & Jes Layton
Brunswick Bound
On the first Friday night of each month, Brunswick Bound hosts a night of local author readings.
It's your chance to discover a new author and for authors to discover new audiences.
In April, the event will feature readings from YA literature by Matt Davies (This Thing of Darkness) , Michael Earp ("Meet and Greet" from Underdog: #LoveOZYA Short Stories) and Jes Layton ("Chemical Expression" from Underdog: #LoveOZYA Short Stories)
Each author will read from their work and there will be a short Q&A afterwards.
Light refreshments will be served at the event.
Matt Davies is an author of Young Adult fiction. He has been a full-time writer for 10 years. He has ghostwritten seven nonfiction titles, written feature articles for a number of Australian magazines, published more than 100 articles online for the health sector, and written scripts for television commercials and documentaries. Matt sat on the board of Australia’s Emerging Writers’ Festival for five years, including two years as chair. This Thing Of Darkness is his debut YA novel.
Michael Earp is a bookseller and the editor of Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories. He has passionately worked with Children’s and YA books for more than 16 years. He has a degree in Early Childhood Education and a Masters in Children’s Literature. His writing has appeared in The Victorian Writer and Aurealis. He also established the #AusQueerYA tumblr to coincide with the #LoveOzYA campaign, of which he was previously the Committee Chair.
Jes Layton is a geek with a hat, who writes about, draws, and discusses queer-nerdy things. Born on Gulidjan land, now living on Wurundjeri, Jes is the Administration Officer for the UNESCO Melbourne City of Literature Office and the Administration and Marketing Coordinator for Express Media. His work has been published in The Victorian Writer, Reading Victoria, Junkee, and online (under several dozen pseudonyms). Jes was an Outstanding LGBTQIA+ Short Stories Award recipient in 2018 and her short story Chemical Expression will be featured in Underdog:#LoveOzYA Short Stories releasing in March (2019).
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