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Jake Adelstein in conversation

Readings Bookshop

Event Date: 28 May 2024 06:30 PM to 28 May 2024 07:30 PM
Event Venue: Cinema Nova

Join us to hear Jake Adelstein in conversation with Big Ideas Radio National host Natasha Mitchelle, . The darkly comic sequel to Tokyo Vice that is equal parts history lesson, true-crime exposé, and memoir, Tokyo Noir is here. The global economy is in shambles, Jake is off the police beat but still chain-smoking clove cigarettes, and Tadamasa Goto, the most powerful boss in the Japanese organised-crime world, has been banished from the yakuza, giving Adelstein one less enemy to worry about — for the time being. Tickets are $10 per person, redeemable off the RRP of Tokyo Noir on the night. The event will be recorded by Radio National.

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