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Nick Coyle & Sabrina D’Angelo: The Queen/The Madame

Hares and Hyenas

Event Date: 14 May 2017 to 15 May 2017
Author / Presenters: Nick Coyle, Sabrina D'Angelo

For two nights only, immersive event magicians The Boon Companions will be presenting the brilliant talents of writer/performer NICK COYLE (Me Pregnant!, Nick Coyle’s Guided Meditation, Blue Wizard) and body poet SABRINA D’ANGELO (Why Do I Dream?, Zen The Pigeon Girl) as they each perform their one-person theatrical spectaculars live on stage.

With heroines inspired by 19th century literature, THE QUEEN/THE MADAME is your opportunity to witness two incredible performers presenting shows back-to-back. Utterly unique and not to be missed. BYO bonnet.

Limited earlybird tickets to both evenings but GET IN FAST.

SUN 14 - MON 15 MAY at 6:30PM
$25 Full/$20 Conc.

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