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Adventures at Humminghive Audiobook Launch

Sue Ellson

Event Date: 18 October 2020
Author / Presenters: Beverley Omsky and Dr David Reiter

Launch of Beverley Omsky's children's musical book, Adventures at Humminghive: Here we are!

This fun-filled musical story has been developed for children aged 2-6 years to follow the adventures of the community who live and thrive in Humminghive. Young and old have a “voice” that rejoices in the peacefulness, courtesy and equality that bring tranquillity and harmony. Differences between the various animal and human inhabitants are resolved with confidence, and high self-esteem is fostered between all those who live in Humminghive as one successful society.

The musically interactive Lifeskills Program that is the source of this audiobook called ‘tunias the musical story of the Petunia Family was created for children aged 2-6. The many episodes include singing, musical role play, musical activities and storytelling focusing on turn taking, co-operation, mutual respect, social inclusion, social awareness and self belief. The children are empowered with self-confidence and high self-esteem is fostered.

More details at https://beverleyomsky.com

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