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Grammar for editors – intermediate

Editors Victoria

Event Date: 16 June 2018
Author / Presenters: Glenys Osborne

This course is for editors who have some grammatical knowledge that needs refreshing or extending. It is also suitable for writers and others who are interested in refining their ability to work with words.

Topics include: agreement, comparison, coordination, correlation, defining and non-defining relative clauses (using who and whom, which and that), mood, parallelism, redundancy, reference, tense, verb voice.

Format: pre-course reading, class instruction, individual and group exercises, class discussion, take-home exercises.

Please note: This course is not suitable for those unable to tell their pronouns from their determiners, nor is it suitable for those with considerable knowledge of grammatical terms and their application. Before booking a place, you may request a short test by email to find out if this is the right course for you.


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