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Gunnas Writing Masterclass

Catherine Deveny

Event Date: 15 December 2018
Author / Presenters: Catherine Deveny

Great people, delicious food, magnificent day. Gunnas Writing Masterclass is for all levels. beginners to professional. 3500 people since 2014 can't be wrong.


Gunna write? Gunna write better, different, more or that project you’re blocked on?

Let Catherine Deveny give you the magic pill and provide you with that creative enema you need. I’m the midwife to help you birth your creative baby. Here’s what people said after doing Gunnas.

25% writing tips.

25% life motivation.

25% stand-up comedy

25% incredible food and fabulous people.

Everything you need to know about Gunnas Writing Masterclass here.

And the best thing is that no one has to share their work.

Love to see you,

Full $320

Conc/student/artist/unemployed/anyone povo $280

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