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Writing Creative Non-Fiction Essays

Kill Your Darlings

Event Date: 19 October 2019
Author / Presenters: Sophie Cunningham

Join award-winning writer Sophie Cunningham in this unique writing course all about crafting compelling and persuasive essays.

This workshop takes as its starting point the belief that all non-fiction is creative. It demands that a writer isolate particular details from a plethora of detail, that they elucidate broad and complex subjects. To quote climate change scientist and writer Joelle Gergis, the times demand we make ‘a head and the heart connection’ rather than treat processing facts as an intellectual exercise.

So how do we make that head and heart connection, for both ourselves, and for the reader? How do we find the patterns in a story that will help us communicate in a way that feels discursive and engaged rather than hectoring? This workshop will encourage participants to experiment with form and structure and to come equipped with a particular issue or set of research that they want to explore so they can begin the job of drafting their essay.

About the Teacher:

Sophie Cunningham is a former publisher and editor and an award-winning writer. She is the author of five books, the most recent of which is City of Trees: Essays on Life, Death and the Need for a Forest (2019). She is an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University in the School Media and Communication in the College of Design and Social Context.

This is a day-long workshop. Morning tea will be provided, and there is a 45-minute break for lunch. There is parking nearby, as well as cafes and restaurants. For further information, please email [email protected].


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