Writing for Children evening course
Faber Writing Academy
Writing for Children is a three-month course for people who wish to write for children and young adults on Wednesday evenings.
Children are discerning readers and the children's publishing industry is highly competitive. To write a children's book that will stand out on a publisher's desk, and then on bookstore shelves, you need to be aware of what is already out there, while creating something that reflects your personality.
This course will cover the elements required to create a stand-out manuscript. You will discover how to craft a compelling story, memorable characters, authentic dialogue and an evocative setting. You will learn about your audience and the themes and language suited to different age groups. The course will also discuss what publishers are looking for and how to convince them that you are worth publishing.
Writing for children requires skill and imagination; getting published takes commitment and perseverance. You will be required to work hard and read continually. There will be regular workshops and you will be given feedback in a supportive and creative environment. Over the thirteen sessions, we will study a range of children's authors and hear from guest speakers in the children's publishing industry.
Writing for Children is suitable for writers of all levels of experience. Participants are encouraged to bring along ideas for stories, novels-in-progress and/or favourite children's books and young adult novels.
At the end of the course participants will have a thorough understanding of the children's publishing industry as well as a fully or partially completed draft of a children's novel. Most importantly, they will have gained the support of a group of fellow writers and an opportunity to create ongoing workshop sessions outside the course.
There are only ten places available on this course. Book soon to avoid disappointment.
Praise for Writing for Children
'Did it meet my expectations? Heck to the yeah! I wanted an intensive, in-depth course that would cover all the major elements of writing for children. What I got was all that, plus the opportunity to work with an amazing mentor, in a physical space that calls out for books to be written, all wrapped up in an atmosphere of support.' Carolyn, 2016
'The Writing for Children course has given me the confidence and motivation to continue writing and has fundamentally changed the way I write. It has been inspirational and stimulating and great to work in a group.' Anon, 2015
'The course was absolutely wonderful. It was such a joy getting together with everyone each week to discuss something everyone enjoys so much. The course structure and content were so helpful and I learnt so much… The course materials were great and I have referred back to them numerous times. The venue was perfect - I could not imagine doing this course anywhere else.' Kate, 2014
Alumni news! Jill Lever's first book The worm who knew karate, illustrated by Terry Denton, was published by Penguin in 2015. Jill did our Writing for Children course in 2013.
Ella Mulvey, who did the course in 2014, will have a picture book published by Allen & Unwin in early 2017. The Rabbit Hole Golf Course tells the story of a little girl heading out with a group of Aboriginal women to hunt for a pet rabbit.
About the Course Director
Martine Murray writes for children and young adults. Her first novel The Slightly True Story of Cedar B Hartley was included in the White Ravens international list of outstanding children's books, and was shortlisted for the Victorian, NSW and Queensland Premier's Awards, and the CBC Award. She won the Queensland Premier's Award for How to Make a Bird and again for The Slightly Bruised Glory of Cedar B Hartley. She was shortlisted for the Prime Ministers Award for Mannie and the Long Brave Day. Her books have been published internationally and translated into seventeen languages. Martine has taught in the professional writing course at RMIT in Melbourne.
About the guests
Sally Rippin has been writing and illustrating children's books for over fifteen years. She has over forty books published, many of them award-winning, including two novels for young adults. She has taught writing for children courses at the Council of Adult Education, the Victorian Writers' Centre and as a part of the Professional Writing and Editing program at RMIT University. She is regularly invited to speak at writers' festivals and seminars around Australia and overseas, and has been writer-in-residence in schools in Beijing, Shanghai and Ghana. Sally's books include the award-winning YA novel Chenxi and the Foreigner, the children's novel Angel Creek, recently published to critical acclaim, and the immensely popular Billie B Brown series, which became the highest-selling fiction series for under eights in the year it was first released.
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