FEMINIST WRITERS FESTIVAL Panel Session – The Politics of Health
Feminist Writers Festival
FWF2020 ThinkIns Panel Session: The Politics of Health.
(online & essays)
When it comes to healthcare and medical research, male is the default. How are women and nonbinary people navigating health care and advocating for their needs? We discuss how easy it is to slip through the cracks of effective medical care for people in the margins, but also the ways individuals and communities have been pushing back.
Katerina Bryant is a writer based in South Australia. Her first book, Hysteria: A Memoir of Illness, Strength and Women’s Stories Throughout History, was released in September 2020.
Asiel Adan Sanchez (they/them) is a doctor, writer and academic working in Naarm/Melbourne. Born and raised in Mexico, their work explores the intersection between gender, culture, sex and identity. Their work has been featured at the Emerging Writers’ Festival and in Archer Magazine, Voiceworks and Rabbit Poetry, among others.
Kit McMahon [chair] is currently CEO for Women’s Health in the South East (a regional women’s health service in southern Melbourne), Non-Executive Director and Chair of Gender Equity Victoria (the state peak organisation for gender equity) and Non-Executive Director of Volunteering Australia. A lifelong feminist raised by feminists, Kit proudly works with community to create a gender equitable future.
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