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Heather Morris and Vivian Bi in Conversation @ Stone & Straw

Words in Winter

Event Date: 17 August 2019
Author / Presenters: Heather Morris and Vivian Bi

Event @ Stone & Straw Retreat – 2 authors with wine & canapés!

Early bird $55 if you buy by August 3rd. After that, it’s $60.

Includes 2 author talks & a glass of Prosecco and canapes! Only 60 spots available for this great event.

3.30 – 4.15 pm: An Intimate Chat with Heather Morris, best selling author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz. Opportunities to purchase signed copies of the book and hear about the sequel which will be another page turner!

4:15-4:45 pm canapés and a glass of Prosecco

4.45 – 5.30 pm COMING OF AGE IN MAO’S CHINA. 

Opportunities to purchase signed copies of the book and hear about the courage of one person standing up against the state machine! 

Vivian or Xiyan Bi – (her name means Bright Swallow in Man- darin) moved from China to Australia in 1990. Her memoir is a story of hope celebrating resilience after many personal hard- ships meted out on the family by the Cultural Revolution. 

Vivian now lives and works in Sydney and is an honorary asso- ciate of the University of Sydney. Come and hear all about her life during this fascinating interview with Jane Sydenham-Kwiet. 

I would recommend this book for nomination to the Stella Prize for literature for 2020’ – Lisa Hi 


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