Historical Novel conference
Historical Novel Society Australasia
Historical fiction celebration comes to Melbourne
In September, readers and writers of one of the world’s most popular fiction genres come together in Melbourne.
Open to all, this three-day celebration of historical fiction showcases over 60 speakers discussing writing craft, research, inspiration, publishing pathways, and personal histories. You can hear from acclaimed writers such as Kerry Greenwood, Kate Forsyth, Deborah Challinor, Lucy Treloar, Sophie Masson, Sulari Gentill, Robert Gott, Arnold Zable, Gary Crew, Melissa Ashley, Kate Mildenhall, Juliet Marillier, Pamela Hart and Libby Hathorn.
Ten skills-based super sessions deal with craft, research, sub-genres, social media and self-publishing, with tutors such as Sulari Gentill, Anne Gracie, Isolde Martyn, Lisa Chaplin, Eleanor Limprecht, Hazel Edwards and Kelly Gardiner. An exciting pitch session will allow successful applicants to have their submissions read aloud by an actor to industry experts in a ‘First Pages’ pitch contest. The HNSA is also proud to announce its inaugural short story contest with a prize of $500.
The conference is organised by the Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA), and will be held over the weekend of 8-10 September 2017, at Swinburne University of Technology.
For more information see www.hnsa.org.au
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