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Marketing and promotion of rare books and special collections

Melbourne Rare Book Week

Event Date: 12 July 2019
Author / Presenters: Museums Victoria, Gemma Steele, Daniel Wee & Nicole Kearney

Bookings Required

Fri 12 July11:00am -12:00pm
Seminar Room
Melbourne Museum 11 Nicholson Street Carlton

Three librarians outline different aspects of communicating with the public about their collections. Gemma Steele will discuss research she conducted in 2018 on marketing and promotion of special libraries and collections. Daniel Wee will talk about personal branding in the age of social media, and his experiences in running @oldbooklibrarian, an Instagram account with 40,000 followers. Nicole Kearney will focus on the Biodiversity Heritage Library digitization project, and its possibilities for contributing organisations.

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