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The Big Anxiety Speaker Series – Leslie Jamison: Examining Empathy

RMIT Culture2

Event Date: 4 October 2022
Author / Presenters: The Big Anxiety

Featuring an exciting line-up of expert creative thinkers The Big Anxiety Speaker Series features conversations and performances exploring the major anxieties of our time.

Leslie Jamison is the award-winning author of essay collections The Empathy Exams and Make it Scream, Make it Burn as well as the memoir The Recovering, which challenged the glorification of addiction within the creative process. Whatever her subject matter, Jamison is known for emphasising feeling in her writing, searching for the connections that will better facilitate a shared understanding of empathy.

At this event, Jamison joins host Rebecca Harkins-Cross via live-cross to unpack the themes of her work within the broader context of mental health. She’ll explore the uncertainty of connection, the link between physical and mental health, the challenges of living with addiction and the journey towards recovery.

This event co-presented by RMIT Culture and The Wheeler Centre.

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