Hell No! We Won't Go! Resistance to conscription in post war Australia. Book launch.
Book published by Interventions 2022. Book launch is an online event. It is free but registration is required. The zoom link will be sent to all who register 24 hours before the event.
To register go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hell-no-we-wont-go-book-launch-tickets-2648....
‘Historian Bobbie Oliver has written an absorbing, readable, and meticulously documented account of the principled and courageous stands young conscientious objectors and draft resisters took against conscription and militarism during the decades after WWII and shows their contribution to the wider movement to end Australia’s intervention in Vietnam.’
Michael Hamel-Green, Emeritus Professor, Victoria University and former draft resister
‘A welcome, robust and moving antidote to the officially sanctioned and manipulated martial enthusiasms that course through Australian society and culture.’
Rowan Cahill, radical historian, author, educator and conscientious objector
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