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Alexx Stuart: Low Tox Life

Whitehorse Manningham Libraries

Event Date: 9 March 2022
Author / Presenters: Alexx Stuart

Did you know that if food waste was a country, it would rank as the third largest emitter behind the USA and China? It is a critical thing we can all contribute to but isn't always easy if you've never been taught how.

So, do you have food waste and still can't seem to cut it down? Find yourself ignoring that soggy spinach or herb in the back of the crisper until it's time to say goodbye?

In this workshop Alexx Stuart, author of Low Tox Life: FOOD, takes you through her top ways to eliminate waste - first in the mind, and next in the everyday kitchen. You will come away with practical ideas that create big impact for your food budget and the planet. She took her family from needing a 53L bin weekly to an 11L bin fortnightly and is determined to cut it further.

Join us for this hyper practical, inspiring workshop. A Zoom invite will be emailed to registered participants at least one hour prior to the session. If you have not received the link at least one hour before the scheduled start please phone any branch during opening hours.

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