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Author in conversation: Ruth Pullin

State Library Victoria

Event Date: 5 April 2018
Author / Presenters: Author in conversation: Ruth Pullin

Join Ruth Pullin, author of The artist as traveller: the sketchbooks of Eugene von Guérard, in conversation with writer and historian Alison Inglis to discuss the career and travels of this 19th-century landscape painter.

Learn about von Guérard’s expeditions in Italy, Germany, Australia and New Zealand, and the sketchbooks that were both the foundation of his studio practice and the personal diaries of his extraordinary travels.

About Ruth Pullin
Dr Ruth Pullin is the curator of the exhibition Eugene von Guérard: Artist–Traveller (Art Gallery of Ballarat, 25 March – 27 May 2018), and the author of The artist as traveller: the sketchbooks of Eugene von Guérard. She was co-curator of the National Gallery of Victoria’s 2011 travelling exhibition, Eugene von Guérard: nature revealed, and principal author of the exhibition catalogue. Her research on von Guérard’s sketchbooks has been undertaken with the support of a Creative Fellowship at State Library Victoria and has been published in Australian and international journals.

About Alison Inglis
Associate Professor Alison Inglis teaches in the School of Culture and Communication and coordinates the Master of Art Curatorship program at the University of Melbourne. Her research focus is 19th-century British art and museum studies, and she is an Emeritus Trustee of the National Gallery of Victoria.

Wheelchair accessible
Bookings essential

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