Chinese poetry reading evening with Ouyang Yu
Boroondara Library Service
Come and listen or share your own original poem in this Chinese poetry reading evening with Ouyang Yu. Ouyang Yu is a Chinese-Australian multi-award winning author of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, literary translation and criticism in both English and Chinese. His third novel, The English Class, won the 2011 NSW Premier’s Award, and his translation in Chinese of The Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes won the Translation Award from the Australia-China Council in 2014.
这是欧阳昱中文诗歌朗诵晚会。请来听或分享您自己创作的诗歌。欧阳昱是一个获奖 丰硕的澳籍华人作家,包括用中英文创作的小说、非小说作品、文学翻译和文学批评。 他的第三本小说《英语课》(The English Class)获得 2011 年新南威尔士一等奖。他翻 译的罗伯特. 修斯(Robert Hughes)的作品《致命海滨》(The Fatal Shore)在 2014 年 获得澳中理事会翻译奖。
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