FrankTALK with Hugh Mackay: The Kindness Revolution
Frankston City Libraries
Frankston City Libraries is proud to present social researcher, Hugh Mackay at the Frankston Arts Centre to speak about his latest book, The Kindness Revolution.
Hugh Mackay knows how to bring out the best in ourselves and in our society, in both good and troubled times.
Revolutions never start at the top. If we dare to dream of a more loving country – kinder, more compassionate, more cooperative, more respectful, more inclusive, more egalitarian, more harmonious, less cynical – there’s only one way to start turning that dream into a reality: each of us must live as if this is already that country.
2020 was ravaged by bushfires and a worldwide pandemic, taking a toll on both our mental and emotional health and the economy. Hugh Mackay reflects on the challenges we faced during that year of upheaval and the questions many of us have asked ourselves: What really matters to me? Am I living the kind of life I want? What sort of society do we want to become?
Mackay urges us not to let those questions go, and points to our inspiring displays of kindness and consideration, the sacrifices we’ve made for the common good, and our heightened appreciation of the value of local neighbourhoods and communities during the pandemic. In response, he asks: ‘Could we become renowned as a loving country, rather than simply a “lucky” one?’
As Mackay says: ‘The question is whether we are ready to apply the lessons 2020 has taught us. I am convinced the potential is there and, as you read The Kindness Revolution, I hope you will share my optimism.’
The Kindness Revolution captures the essence of Mackay’s life’s work as social psychologist and researcher. Written for our times, this truly remarkable book shows how crises and catastrophes often turn out to be the making of us and explains why radical kindness is the key to healing. To quote from the book’s opening chapter: ‘To be kind – always and to everyone – is to be fully, gloriously human, and every act of kindness is one more step towards a better society.’
Hugh Mackay is a social psychologist, and the author of 22 books, including eight novels. His non-fiction writing covers social analysis, psychology, communication and ethics. He has had a 60 year career in social research and was also a weekly newspaper columnist for 25 years.
He is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society and of the Royal Society of New South Wales and has been awarded honorary doctorates by five Australian universities. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2015 and is currently an honorary professor in the Research School of Psychology at the Australian National University.
Hugh will be speaking at Frankston Arts Centre for one night only on Monday 10 May at 6pm. This event is free but bookings are essential via the box office or call 9784 1060.
The Kindness Revolution, and Hugh Mackay’s many other titles are available via the Robinsons Bookshop website: https://bit.ly/3cUyHE9 and will be available to purchase on the night.
Event Details:
FrankTALK with Hugh Mackay: The Kindness Revolution
Monday 10 May at 6pm
Frankston Arts Centre
FREE but bookings are essential
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