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Gideon Haigh – The Momentous, Uneventful Day: a requiem for the office – 6.30pm


Event Date: 25 February 2021
Author / Presenters: Gideon Haigh

Has COVID-19 ushered in the end of the office? Or is it the office’s final triumph?

For decades, futurologists have prophesied a boundary-less working world, freed from the cramped confines of the office. During the COVID-19 crisis, employees around the globe got a taste of it. Confined by lockdown to their homes, they met, mingled, collaborated, and created electronically.

In The Momentous, Uneventful Day, Gideon Haigh reflects on our ambivalent relationship to office work and office life, how we ended up with the offices we have, how they have reflected our best and worst instincts, and how these might be affected by a world in a time of contagion.

Live Event - Seats are limited so please book early!

Geelong Library and Heritage Centre (The Dome)
51 Little Malop Street

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