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Library Display Workshop (2 Aug 2023)

School Library Association of Victoria

Event Date: 2 August 2023 09:30 AM
Author / Presenters: School Library Association of Victoria

August 2 2023

The Salon Room

The Abbotsford Convent

9.30am to 12 Noon

Featuring -

Library Displays… What do you really see? With Lena Cirillo
This presentation will include an exploration of what makes an engaging library display that captures the attention of its viewer. Participants will gain insights into key approaches to take including the consideration of the art elements, theme and use of props. This will be followed by a conversation about the power of imagery, and how a display can impart knowledge, foster a call to action, invite interaction or promote diverse reading choices. Participants will workshop their creative ideas for displays and contribute to concepts to take away.

Lena Cirillo is the Executive Officer of Art Education Victoria, an artist and a specialist visual art teacher working in primary schools. Lena has led the culture of focused, productive and creative arts and non-profit organisations over the past twenty years including Arts Project Australia and Polyglot Theatre.



CBCA Book Week Ideas

This will be followed by a facilitated discussion of display ideas, tools and tips utilising our extensive SLAV padlet of display ideas created over a number of sessions.




Morning Tea

Participation Certificate

Ongoing access to Padlet

Directions for The Abbotsford Convent


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