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Simon Fenech in conversation with Neil Bramwell

Frankston City Libraries

Event Date: 11 March 2021
Author / Presenters: Simon Fenech

What would make a champion kickboxer and loving father turn to ice? A brutally honest and powerful memoir that is straight from the plot of Breaking Bad.
What would make a champion kickboxer and loving husband and father turn to ice? Simon Fenech, a successful sportsman and committed family man, tried crystal meth for the first time after a traumatic work accident. He was instantly hooked. Soon, he was dealing to support a $1000-a-day addiction.

What followed was a story straight from the plot of Breaking Bad...Simon was shot by underworld hitmen. He came within an inch of losing his life after a horrific knife attack. He was hunted by drug lords and specialist police units - at the same time. And he reached the very depths of misery and despair. But Simon's story didn't end there. He managed to transform his life in a way that will inspire anyone who's either personally felt the devastating effects of ice or seen their loved one's battle with addiction.

Breaking Good is a raw, brutally honest and harrowing story of survival. It is also proof that even the most appalling fall from grace can lead to redemption.

Please join us for this FrankTALK with Simon Fenech in conversation with Neil Bramwell on Thursday 11 March at 6pm at Carrum Downs Library as part of the Libraries After Dark program.

Simon’s book, Breaking Good, will be available to purchase on the night or you can pre-purchase from Robinsons Bookshop: https://bit.ly/2NLZOae

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