Writer's Workshop with Narrelle Harris
Frankston City Libraries
Writer's Workshop : Killer Opening Sentences
Saturday 3 December
1pm to 3pm
Frankston Library
How do you grab the reader from the first line? What are the different approaches to opening paragraphs?
In this workshop, participants compare a range of opening lines and discuss what makes a first sentence effective and engaging, discuss the different approaches and examine the difference between ‘active’ and ‘action’ as it applies to opening a story. Participants then have an opportunity to workshop their existing stories in progress or begin a new work as an exercise for discussion and feedback.
Participants should bring their own works in progress to workshop the opening of their story. If they don’t have a current WiP, keywords will be given to spark ideas for writing something.
Bookings are essential for these FREE events.
Bookings open 11 November
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