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A Voz Limpia 30

A Voz Limpia

Event Date: 21 March 2019
Author / Presenters: A Voz Limpia

A Voz Limpia is a poetry collective and independent publisher. It gathers storytellers and writers of all persuasions, mostly from Latin America, mostly in Spanish, mostly in Australia. Since 2016, the group reads once a month at free, public events, and has been invited to participate in several festivals and events with poetry segments. A Voz Limpia has published 6 books (3 anthologies featuring 80+ poets in total, and 3 author books). Work toward the publication of a special anthology in collaboration with Revarena Ediciones in Querétaro, Mexico is under way, due to be released in May.

This event will be the first of A Voz Limpia's monthly readings for 2019. It will take place (as they will until October 2019) at Station 59, 59 Church Street, Richmond on Thursday Feb. 21 from 8pm. Readers welcome. We try to accommodate for anyone who shows up on the night and would like to read but this is not always possible. Writing to [email protected] in advance to let us know you are coming makes it much more likely...

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