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A Voz Limpia Dieciseis

A Voz Limpia

Event Date: 17 August 2017
Author / Presenters: A Voz Limpia is a collective of poets, storytellers and writers of all sorts, mostly in Melbourne, mostly from Latin America, mostly in Spanish

A Voz Limpia Dieciseis is our 16th monthly reading, which gathers poets, storytellers and writers of all sorts, mostly in Melbourne, mostly from Latin America, mostly in Spanish.

Apart from the usual open space for reading, this month, A Voz Limpia will be launching two new publications. At 8:00pm we will launch La Gracia de las Nieves, by Grace de las Nieves and at 9:00pm, Cuantico by Luis Escudero.

Both books will be available to purchase on the night.

Thursday, August 17th from 8:00pm at
Caz Reitop's Dirty Little Secrets
80 Smith St. Collingwood

Free entry!

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