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Poetry with Thuy On & Gloria Demillo

Radio Laria Poetry

Event Date: 9 November 2021
Author / Presenters: Girls on Key

Do you want to hear some awesome fresh poetry and/or share the latest thing you've written?

Girls on Key are breaking out of zoom town and climbing out of our computer screens to bring you Thuy On and Glorilla Demillo live at Open Studio! (204 High Street, Northcote, 3070)
Event includes ten open mic spots(all genders welcome) and arrive promptly at 7pm to sign up.
Apologies for the change of date, but the 9th November is THE date of Open Studio’s first night back after lockdown 6! We’re honoured and excited to be back at this amazing venue.
State rules specify that you must be double vaccinated to attend indoor venues. We’re so sorry to those who haven’t had a chance to get both vaccinations done yet, but please don’t try and sneak in under the radar as Open Studio face a hefty fine of rules aren’t followed. There is also limited tickets available so get in early to reserve your spot.
Event includes ten open mic spots and all genders are welcome to share.

Tickets are $10 (full), or $5 (concession) available from:


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