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Home / Events / Poetry / Radio Laria Poetry with Gabrielle Everall and Margarita Vlacci

Radio Laria Poetry with Gabrielle Everall and Margarita Vlacci

Radio Laria Poetry

Event Date: 7 December 2022
Author / Presenters: Radio Laria Poetry

To end Radio Laria's 2022 on a high we have Gabrielle Everall and Margarita Vlacci! Gabrielle is a widely published poet with an enthralling, unique voice. Margarita Vlacci has wowed us on the open mic and we’re honoured and excited to be giving her a feature space.
Tickets are $10 (full) or $5 (concession) and are available from:


We will also have tickets on the door. Doors open 7pm and the live poetry kicks off at 07:30.
We are also really looking forward to the open mic where poets, storytellers and writers of all kinds are encouraged to share their work. All genders are welcome to read, sign up on the night, 10 slots available and 5 minute limit. The audience is very supportive and we welcome new readers. Come along and join this warm, vibrant poetry community and don't forget about Open Studio's yummy crepes!

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