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Dada Lives!

City of Melbourne Libraries

Event Date: 23 June 2016
Author / Presenters: Featuring: Peter Murphy, Dimitris Troaditis, Sjaak de Jong, Jeltje Fanoy, Anna Fern, Santo Cazzati, Ashley Higgs with Forbes Hawkins, Abe Dunovits and Pierre van Osselaer

On the 23rd of June it will be exactly a 100 years ago Hugo Ball first performed a series of sound poems as part of the regular “Cabaret Voltaire” meetings.

He advocated the intentional destruction and clearing away of the rationalized language of modernity that for him represented all that had led to the "agony and death throes of this age, and Worldwar I."

His poetry was an attempt to "return to the innermost alchemy of the word" in order to discover, or to found, a new language untainted by convention.

To celebrate this event a number of Melbourne based sound-poets will performs some “classics” as well as more recent examples of this genre of poetry.

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