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Red Light/Green Light

The Wheeler Centre

Event Date: 2 June 2022 09:00 AM
Author / Presenters: Beth Atkinson-Quinton, Madison Griffiths, and Bec Kavanagh

‘It is my responsibility to talk about my experiences. It is my power. With my words, I hope to give other women the confidence to use their own.’

Roia Atmar, Season 2 Tender

We all know the importance of teaching consent and respect in the classroom. But what does the language of consent actually sound like? What are the green lights that signal respect and consent in relationships (and the red lights that don’t)?

Tender is an award-winning podcast that thoughtfully explores the way that women reconstruct their lives and identities after leaving abusive relationships. Through the intimacy of audio storytelling, each season follows one woman’s journey as she gradually comes to know herself again, and reclaims her right to tell her own story in her own words.

In these special incursions, producers of Tender, Bethany Atkinson-Quinton and Madison Griffiths, will lead two 90-minute workshops in each participating school. Teens will have the chance to share their stories and ideas in audio recordings that will be edited by Bethany and Madison to make up a special episode of Tender, which will be released through the Wheeler Centre and Tender.

These workshops may contain discussion of sensitive subjects such as abuse, and are recommended for students in years 10 & 11. Please contact Youth Programming Manager Bec Kavanagh to enquire about booking: [email protected]

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