Creative Conversations
Gasworks Arts Park
Creative Conversations
Creative Conversations are a networking opportunity between an established arts practitioner, and an emerging practitioner, to connect over shared interests and creative outlooks. These meetings are an opportunity to cater to curiosities and explore new ideas with another practitioner in our community. If you have a genuine interest in a creative practice than this is a great opportunity to meet with someone that works within that sphere and learn more. This project is a means to expand networks and facilitate engaging and robust conversations.
About Creative Conversations
There will be four cohorts selected for 2021 to participate in Creative Conversations. Applicants can apply to participate in any of the 4 terms throughout the year. Each term will sit within a specific theme.
The theme for Term Three is: Theatre Making
Meet with playwrights, directors, producers, dramaturgs or other talented mentors who will help guide you through some of the challenges you may encounter on your road to success.
How will it work?
Creative Conversations will be hosted at Priscilla Jones Cafe where you will enjoy a delicious free lunch whilst meeting with your creative mentor. Your lunch will be organised by Gasworks Arts Park and will provide the perfect environment to meet and engage with another creative practitioner.
Who can be involved?
Anyone with a genuine interest in the creative industries. The purpose of these lunches is to get people from all corners of the creative community together. Creative Conversations places no preference on those with a working background in their area of interest. Our focus is to support individuals with an active and evidenced interest in a creative practice.
What are the benefits of participation?
Meet with a creative practitioner that has an established career and knowledge base in your area of interest
Creative Conversations is a development opportunity
Creative Conversations is a unique and useful networking experience
A delicious free lunch at Priscilla Jones Cafe
What is the cost?
There is no cost associated with this program. If you are selected to participate Gasworks Arts Park will organise your lunch at Priscilla Jones Cafe and cover the costs too.
How to apply
Whether you work in a creative field, or have a genuine interest in a particular area, we would love to hear from you. This project wants to cater to anyone and everyone that is interested in creative practice and is curious to explore that. Applications for each term open on the following dates:
Term Three: Monday May 31
Gasworks will contact you with the outcome of your application after the closing date of Sunday 27 June.
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Monday mornings we will send you an update showing all the new calendar entries that have been uploaded over the last seven days.
Friday afternoons you will receive a summary of what’s happening on the weekend.