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The Will To Be

Anthea Greco

Event Date: 23 September 2019 to 29 September 2019
Author / Presenters: Mark Salvestro

One lonely night in 1962, a young university lecturer weighs up his life. The career of his dreams is no more. His secret is out. Will he choose love or the law?

In a time when homosexuality is illegal in Australia, a man of reputation must ask the everlasting question: ‘to be or not to be?’

A one-man show exploring legacy, sexuality, and shame, married with the words of William Shakespeare and music of the 1960s.

Does a life filled with fear and denial make for any life at all?

Written, Produced and Performed by Mark Salvestro.
Assistant Producers Anthea Greco and William Lee
Dramaturgy Assistance by Mark Pritchard
Sound Design by Steve Carnell
Lighting Design by Lachlan Mclean
Set Design by Carmody Nicol
Costume Design by Oliver Ross
Stage Managed by Holly Anderson

View our Trailer: https://vimeo.com/355808807

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