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You’re Being Dramatic


Event Date: 30 April 2024 07:30 PM to 30 April 2024 09:00 PM *
Event Venue: Explosives Factory
Event Organiser: Theatre Works
Ticket Price: $20 – $35

Thea and Arvy are best friends. The bestest friends. They’re good at being best friends. They’re so good at being best friends. They’re the best friends to ever best friend. And everything is totally, absolutely, completely normal.

In the long, dark night of Thea and Arvy’s weekly sleepover, they swap stories, drink vodka, talk boys, and make blood oaths, vowing they’ll never leave each other’s sides.

But Thea has a secret, one which could unravel the very fabric of their friendship; and who is it that keeps knocking at their door?

Darkly funny and deeply moving, You’re Being Dramatic is a devastating and beautiful new play from emerging writer/director Zadie Kennedy Mccracken, exploring intimacy, queer identity, patriarchy, and the agony of unfulfilled desire.


FULL PRICE: $35.00


PREVIEW: $20.00

20 at $20**: $20.00

MOB TIX: $20.00

*Seniors, Student, MEAA, Health Care and Low Income card holders
**Limited to 20 tickets per performance

* This event is recurring

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