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Archer fundraising day + issue 14 launch party digital event!


Event Date: 16 October 2020
Author / Presenters: Readings by Yves Rees; Paul Kidd; Amanda Galea

Archer Magazine is hosting an Archer issue 14: THE GROWING UP ISSUE launch and fundraising event online.
Please join us and some of Melbourne’s finest queer artists to celebrate our Issue 14 Launch and GiveOUT Day, a national fundraising day for LGBT+ organisations.
The event will be hosted by Archer Magazine, and will kick off at 5:30pm on Friday arvo with GRUMBLE BOOGIE, an aerobic dizko dance class lead by the famous Betty Grumble.
Grumble Boogie is about the heart pump and thanking our bodies. Feel free to get into your loudest 80s activewear and go all-out; mix a drink and bop around in a non-committal manner; or sit in front of your laptop and watch someone ELSE get their heart-rate up! You're the boss!
We'll hear three readings from our new issue, and an address from editor Lucy Watson.
We'll round out the event with a pop-dance-nostalgia adventure from DJ Gay Dad, and again you can get moving, or don't: it's your call.
Readings by Yves Rees; Paul Kidd; Amanda Galea
Address by Editor Lucy Watson
Performance by Betty Grumble
Tunes for a living room dance party by DJ Gay Dad
This event is a FUNDRAISER. Please pay as much as you wish: general admission for $10 (+booking fee); one of our three-tier ticket options that include a donation to Archer Magazine (we love you!); or the $0 ticket option (no-one turned away for lack of funds).
See you on Friday 16th October!! 

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