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Dead Letter Club – Love Letters & Dedications

Dead Letter Club

Event Date: 13 February 2019
Author / Presenters: Dead Letter Club / Melanie Knight

Love or Hate Valentine's day - we have you covered!

Channel your inner Charlie Brown and write to your secret crush. Better yet, write to Snoopy and lay on the love! Spruned by a lover, put it in a letter! You WILL receive a reply, you just won't know who from....


A mashup of creative writing, mystery, parlour games and low commitment pen pals.

It is now standard to express ourselves through the immediacy of emojis, GIFs, and lols. We ask, what might be lost because of this? Dead Letter Club is our answer. Pick up a pen and let the ink flow.

Put Wednesday 13 February in the diary Lovers, Haters, Casanovas and Muriels... Valentine's Day is coming!

“Dead Letter Club was one of the most genuinely creative, powerful and beautiful experiences I've ever taken part in.” Gemma Jones, Craft Victoria

DLC is a high concept game played by YOU. A response and a call to restore balance to lives being lived through a little screen and a scrolling thumb. Existing in dedication to the written word through creative letter writing. Assume your nom de plume and through our secret postal service you will correspond with others in the room over the evening remaining unknown to each other. Until the end that is.

NEVER FEAR! We have hundreds of prompt cards for those awkward moments of writers’ block!

“Dead Letter Club is an evening of unbridled imagination and creative wonder convened under the watchful eye of a badass witch babe.” Kat Skull, STREAT

Dead Letter Club is a Creative Social Movement built by Melbourne's cheerleader for creativity, Melanie Knight, and is now finding its way across cities around the world.

INSTAGRAM @dead_letter_club

****PLEASE NOTE*****
It is important for participants to arrive by start time and stay for the course of the correspondence. Don't ditch your pen-pal by leaving early. Doors at 6.30pm. Writing from 7pm - 9pm (ish).

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