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Willy Lit Fest

Event Date: 18 June 2017
Author / Presenters: Claire Saxby, Sue Lawson

Kids are all the same, right?

Sue Lawson and Claire Saxby are award-winning authors of books for young people. Although they both write books for young people, they are not writing for a single audience. Write for adults and you can assume all your readers are adults. Write for ‘young people’ and you may be writing for infants, young adults or a whole range of in-betweens!

Join Claire and Sue at Williamstown Literary Festival for a discussion about writing for young people, matching stories with readers, how to decide what age you are writing for and why all of that matters. Learn about ACARA, development and emotional intelligence, and unravel the terms PB, JR, MG and YA. This session will include insights about story word counts, genre writing, and why publishers say they don’t want rhyme but keep on publishing it anyway.

Indulge yourself in a fabulous hour with two succussful authors as their share their knowledge and experience - BYO plenty of questions!

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