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Melbourne literary magazines host an end-of-year picnic

The Lifted Brow

Event Date: 17 December 2016
Author / Presenters: The Lifted Brow, Overland, Alien She Zine, Meanjin, Scum Mag, Stilts, Archer Magazine, Voiceworks, Cordite Poetry Review, Chart Collective, Kill Your Darlings, The Canary Press and Island magazine.

To celebrate the end of another year, come hang out with a whole bunch of lit mags in the park. Staff from the various magazines/journals will be there – and we welcome all contributors, readers, friends, family, kids, dogs, etc.


There'll be folks from Overland Literary Journal, The Lifted Brow, Alien She Zine, Meanjin Quarterly, Scum Mag, Stilts, Archer Magazine, Voiceworks, Cordite Poetry Review, Chart Collective, Kill Your Darlings, The Canary Press and Island magazine.

BYO food, drinks, rugs, chairs, toys, and anything else you like to have with you at a park picnic. We'll provide a couple of eskies with some ice.

Here is where we'll be meeting: https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/37°48'05.4%22S+144°58'17.1%22E/@-37.8012824,144.9709229,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x6ad642d0b2ec5bf1:0xe5c8f4769eb778ce!7e2!8m2!3d-37.8014899!4d144.9714111

See you from midday on Saturday!

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