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Our First Gods: Finding The Mother/Father through Personal Writing

Seattle is a City of Literature

Event Date: 20 July 2020
Author / Presenters: Joe Wilkins

Time zone in Seattle, WA, USA (GMT-7)

This class will take place via video-conferencing (Zoom) only, Pacific Time.

Too often unapproachable, unassailable, absent—our parents are our first gods. How have we known them? How might we know them now? How deep is our ache that we didn’t know them more fully, in other, deeper ways? And are we ready, if we are to know them, for our parents to fall from their thrones and become not gods (or devils) but the human beings they are? In this experiential workshop participants will think, discuss, and write about their own parents in the hopes that all will leave with the beginnings of a number of personal pieces, as well as find their way toward more fully knowing their parents. Participants are asked to bring a pen and paper or a laptop computer for in-session writing.


Instructor: Joe Wilkins

Class Type: 1 Session


Term: Summer 2020

Start Date: 07/20/2020

Days of the Week: Monday

Time: 1:10 pm – 4:10 pm

Minimum Class Size: 5

Maximum Class Size: 18

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