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The Diar Panel


Event Date: 25 March 2023
Author / Presenters: Nanchok Santino Chol, Sobur Dhieu, Rhoda Makur, Awak Rech Kongor and Flora Chol

The word ‘Diar’ translates from the Dinka language, meaning ‘Women’. The Diar Panel brings together South Sudanese writers and artists to explore literature, identity, belonging, community and the complexities of womanhood. Join in amplifying the shared experiences of women and how dialogue can be used as a tool to explore life’s many facets and meaning.

Featuring: Nanchok Santino Chol, Sobur Dhieu, Rhoda Makur, Awak Rech Kongor, Flora Chol

An Auslan Interpreter will be translating the session.

This event is part of the Brimbank Writers and Readers Festival 2023

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