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2021 Edinburgh International Flash Fiction Awards

Edinburgh is a City of Literature

Event Date: 1 July 2020 to 31 August 2020

Entries for the 2021 competition are open until midnight BST on 31 August 2020..


  • Your story can be on any topic.

  • Make sure your story is 250 words or fewer. If it is one word over the limit it will be disqualified.

  • Make sure your name does not appear anywhere in your story document. All judging is anonymous. Your story comes to us with your entry form. Both are assigned a number and there is no risk of losing track of who has sent which story.

  • Make sure your file is in .doc, .docx or .pdf format. Especially, we cannot read .pages or .odt files and will disqualify them. If you aren’t sure how to produce these formats from, say a Mac running Pages, read the guidance notes or get in touch with Dai at the address below.

  • Your story should not have been previously published, online or in print.

  • You may enter the same story in other competitions at the same time but if the story is selected for publication or a prize let us know so that we may withdraw it from our competition.

  • The EIFFA is open to writers worldwide and includes prizes of £600 1st, £300 2nd and £150 3rd. The Golden Hare Award is an additional award for writers resident in Scotland and carries a prize of £300.

  • The winner of the EIFFA cannot also win the Golden Hare Award.

  • Payment of £6 per story can be made by credit/debit card or cheque. After successfully completing the form, you will be taken to the payment page. Follow the instructions there.

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