Prom Coast Festival Children's Literature Day
Prom Coast Festival
An all-day event for families in Fish Creek.
Rail Trail Story Time for cyclists: Bring your bike and while riding along the trail, be delighted by story tellers who can spin some good railway and train yarns.
Rail Trail Story Time for walkers
Gallery for a Day
'Be an Art Detective’: Join Amanda Cooper for a selection of activities, to 'Be an Art Detective'. You will expore the art of picture book making and also become an 'Art Detective, as you wander through the gallery of books and original art works.
Make a Wind Chime -
activity run by the Sandy Point Community, using found materials
Great Paper Plane Fly-Off
(materials supplied): Come and join us to design and make your own paper plane, to take part in the Great Paper Plane Fly-Off.
Author/Illustrator talks and presentations: Meet with and listen to Roland Harvey and other author/illustrators.
Scully's Musical Stories: Michelle Scully will launch her musical renditions of popular children's stories by our own Alison Lester. A wonderful interactive musical program for all the family to enjoy.
Fantasy and Science Fiction
for teenage and young adult readers: Join local authors Liz Farrell and Janeen Webb for an interactive workshop exploring the worlds of fantasy and science fiction.
Information sessions:
Mandy Cooper - "Being a Children's Book Council Awards Judge"
Deb Bray - "How to read to littlies”: Why story telling and reading with babies and young children is important to their development in so many ways.
Author/illustrator talks and presentations: Alison Lester and other author/illustrators talk about their books and work.
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