Joining the Calendar
As we are a vibrant City of Literature, calendars from all over fill up very quickly with dates of literary events of all kinds, while tweeting event information and sharing Facebook events can feel a little like shouting at windows. In trying to keep things in check and boost the reach of your events the Melbourne City of Literature calendar has become the one-stop directory for literary activity across our City of Literature! Comprehensive and user-driven, the calendar is one of our more effective ways of supporting event’s organisers throughout the City of Literature, getting more bums in seats, more tickets sold and just generally extending the reach of your events outside your usual networks.
We invite you to add to its content!
The calendar’s event categories allow users to browse only events that are relevant to them. With 17 event categories and hundreds of keyword possible combinations, readers can now easily find things to their interests, while event organisers can reach the people who will find them of most interest.
When you upload your event, you can pick multiple event categories! Just hold down CTRL and pick all the categories that are relevant – we do ask that you make sure they are relevant. Putting events into the categories they best fit means the calendar works as smoothly as possible, and makes it easy for users to navigate.
With our subscription function, readers receive two weekly emails. Every Monday morning subscribers will receive an update showing all the new calendar entries that have been uploaded over the last seven days. Every Friday afternoon, subscribers receive a summary of what’s happening on the weekend. Consistent and timely, our calendar updates become an event all in themselves, reliably able to relay your literary events to those most interested.
Please note, this website is an aggregator and isn’t designed to be the only page for your event. It works best with a brief description and a link for people to find more. It cannot sell your tickets.
If you plan events that correspond with one of our event categories and feel that they sit within the “City of Literature” please go here to request a log in.